Scandinavian minimalist Christmas bedroom decor

Christmas is around the corner and this year I’m craving Christmas decor. I want to be surrounded by candles, soft fabrics and Christmas smells – but I also want to keep it minimal and in style with my Danish apartment. My bedroom is pretty minimal in terms of decor, it’s big and airy and we like it that way. But I wanted to do some changes to make it feel more Christmas-like. This is what I did and what you can do to give your bedroom a minimalist and cozy Christmas makeover.

Sewing pillow covers

Christmas fabrics are often red with gold or green patterns of Christmas trees, stars, snowflakes, or similar – and I’m not really into that. Instead, I went for a thrifted old checkered tablecloth in white and brown, and a vintage sheet with crochet detail and a monogram in red from the previous owner (how beautiful?). It’s very easy to sew pillowcases, it’s basically just a long piece of fabric that you fold and sew on each side.

A small Christmas tree

The Christmas symbol number one must be the Christmas tree. An option that works in a bedroom, and also is a cute and aesthetic detail, is to have a potted tree. I repotted it into a dark brown clay pot. I went with a small one with scarce branches, and I added only one single red bulb, to keep it minimal.

Let there be light

We use a lot of candles during this time of year. It brings warmth, light, and a vibe. Candles are super important for a Christmas feeling. Going with red or green candles can add some colour, without going full-on. Blow out your candles when you leave the room, be safe.

Traditional elements

The hay goat is a traditional symbol with a long history in Swedish culture. I was thrilled when I found this guy in the thrift store and brought him home. The hay goat, or julbock, gives traditional Swedish Christmas vibes – exactly what I’m longing for. I suggest you add those symbols that make you feel homey and safe. Christmas should feel like a warm hug. I know not everyone has good memories from Christmas celebrations, but you have the power to change the tradition and make Christmas what you want it to be, and what you need.


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