Give your wardrobe a fresh start 2023

Happy New Year! Nothing has changed really, but because we know it’s a new year we’re all sort of ready to start fresh. So let’s ride that wave and embrace the feeling of starting over and setting intentions for the year.

Do an inventory of what you own

We actually only use around 1/3 or 1/2 of what we own, which obviously is stupid. So the first thing you wanna do is to make your bed - and then throw all the clothes you own on. Socks, pants, suits, sweaters - everything. If you don’t do this regularly you’re most likely going to find clothes that you had forgotten about. Take a moment to look at the pile. How do you feel? Before doing anything else - Declutter.


I like to do it the MariKondo way. I grab one piece from my pile at a time and ask myself if it sparks joy. I do this with every item, and then I put them into different piles. One for clothes I want to get rid of (sell or donate), one for clothes I want to keep, and sometimes a pile for clothes where I’m not sure.

A few thoughts that might help you on the way:

It’s extremely rewarding to get rid of clothes, and only keep things that spark joy. Honestly.

It’s OK to keep things purely of sentimental value, things that are dear to your heart. This doesn’t mean keeping things you don’t like because you got them from a family member last Christmas. They should add something to your life.

Find inspiration

Alright. You’re now done with the boring, but also quite rewarding part. Now let’s find inspiration to wear what we’ve kept. I think the easiest way is to go on Pinterest and just start by searching for a piece you own and go from there, like “black turtle neck outfits” or “maxi denim skirt”. You’ll quickly find yourself in a rabbit hole of looks.

Save everything that you think looks cool. Go nuts. When you’re tired - go to your board where you’ve saved all your pins and start removing the ones that don’t fit in.

Hopefully you’ll have a good selection of inspiration to look into when you’re bored or think you need something new.'

Need inspiration for your inspiration? Check out my board of outfit inspiration for 2023.


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