Wild Refill is the best natural deodorant on the market

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Having used natural beauty products for over 10 years and countless natural deodorants, I can with security tell you this is the best natural deodorant on the market.

I have tried all sorts of natural deodorants, the DIY coconut oil and baking soda ones, the salt stone ones, the cream ones, and the spray ones, from a multitude of brands and price ranges. Two years ago I was on the jury of the Swedish Organic Beauty Award with deodorants in my category and tried even more different deodorants as we were on a mission to find the best contestant – and many of them are OK, but why settle for OK when you can find a deodorant that works better than conventional ones and smells nicer?

The deodorant from Wild Refill is made from natural ingredients and comes in a lightweight aluminum case. To refill the Wild deodorant you simply turn it down to the bottom, open the case by pushing the buttons on the sides, and slide down the bottom part. You can then refill it with any of your new refills.

Natural and herby scents

I prefer beauty and skincare, including deodorants, that smell natural. I’m not a fan of synthetic fragrances and Wild Refill does it very well. I’m currently using Eucalyptus & Sage, which smells exactly as it says; Eucalyptus and Sage, herby and natural. To the gym, I use Rose Petals, which again, smells like actual roses – amazing.

Wild Refill keeps me fresh during the whole day, and I love how it makes me feel bonita because I know I smell nice. I have even had my husband smell my armpits when I was testing out the deodorant (before I started collaborating with them, to know it was something I wanted to endorse), and he said I smelled nice every time.

Next up I’m going to use the Lemon basil & Blood orange one.

Curious to try the best natural deodorant on the market? Here’s a link that gives you 20% off (AD-link).


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